Friday 11 November 2011

New beuk: Scotland as Science Fiction

Juist readin John Corbett’s chaipter ‘Past and Future Language: Matthew Fitt and Iain M. Banks’ in Caroline McCracken-Flesher’s new beuk Scotland as Science Fiction

Verra insightfu treatment o Matthew Fitt’s But n Ben A-Go-Go an Iain M. Banks’ Feersum Endjinn in the contexts baith o science fiction’s play wi langage, an o modrenism. In the case o But n Ben A-Go-Go this relates tae attempts be writers sic as MacDiarmid tae separate the Scots leid fae its nostalgic and backart-leukin associations.

As Corbett says o But n Ben,

To project a vibrant Scots-speaking community into a fictional future is … an act of will that is both political and counter-intuitive.

He comes tae the conclusion that
If Scots as a literary medium is to survive then it must be as something other than the unique expression of the psychology of one people.

Ah howp Braken Fences can contribute tae that.

Ah howp tae that there’s some depth tae the multiculturalism o ma characters – whan yin o ma characters is supposed tae come fae a certain culture, Ah’ve ettlet tae shaw foo that culture informs their warld view - includin the inventit mind style o the Neanderthals.

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